How Our Alumni Excel: Discover Their Success Stories!
“It’s a wonderful thing that I can pursue my degree in the English Education Department of UNS. I got many valuable experiences of learning from the lectures, supportive friends, professional lecturers, and adequate facilities for learning. I will never forget the time and memories when I was studying in this program. (Ardan Cahya Terra Dewanto, graduated in 2019, now working as an English teacher at a private vocational senior high school in Karanganyar)”
“Hal yang paling luar biasa dalam hidup saya adalah Ketika saya bisa kuliah di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNS. Saya mendapatkan banyak sekali pengalaman belajar yang bermanfaat dari mata kuliah, dosen yang profesional, teman-teman yang sangat beragam dan suportif, serta fasilitas kampus yang memadai untuk sarana saya belajar. Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan kenangan-kenangan sewaktu saya mengejar gelar sarjana disini. (Ardan Cahya Terra Dewanto, Lulusan S1 Tahun 2019, sekarang bekerja
sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris di SMK)”
In a selection interview for participants of the 2016 Short Course TESOL for teachers, one of the questions was about where I studied and how I pursued my studies. I am grateful that with a Bachelor’s degree in English Education from FKIP UNS, I had the opportunity to study alongside Dr. Ann Dashwood (who currently holds a professorship) at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, engage in conversation with Sir Peter Cosgrove, the Governor-General, during an afternoon tea event on a campus visit. With these opportunities, my confidence as a teacher grew stronger, enabling me to comfortably participate in various self-development activities such as becoming a Google Certified Educator Level 1, Google Certified Educator Level 2, and Google Certified Trainer. I will strive to continue making contributions because since graduating in 2003, I have had the privilege to dedicate myself to SMA Negeri 1 Wonogiri. I express my gratitude to the lecturers and all facilities for providing me with valuable life skills. (Dyah Retno Purwaningsih, S.Pd –English Teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Wonogiri)
Dalam sebuah wawancara seleksi peserta Short Course TESOL bagi guru tahun 2016, salah satu pertanyaannya adalah di mana saya dulu kuliah dan bagaimana saya mengikuti kuliah. Saya bersyukur, dengan bekal S1 di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNS saya mendapat kesempatan untuk belajar bersama Dr. Ann Dashwood (yang saat ini seorang profesor) di University of Southern Queensland Australia dan mendapatkan kesempatan berbincang dengan Sir Peter Cosgrove, Governor General, dalam suatu afternoon tea saat berkunjung di kampus tersebut. Dengan kesempatan itu kepercayaan diri saya sebagai guru semakin menguat sehingga saya tidak canggung mengikuti berbagai kegiatan pengembangan diri seperti Google Certified Educator Level 1, Google Certified Educator Level 2 dan Google Certified Trainer. Saya akan berusaha untuk terus berkarya karena sejak saya lulus di tahun 2003 hingga saat ini saya mendapat kesempatan untuk mengabdikan diri di SMA Negeri 1 Wonogiri. Terima kasih kepada para dosen dan fasilitas kampus sehigga saya memiliki bekal hidup yang bermanfaat. (Dyah Retno Purwaningsih, S.Pd -Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA Negeri 1 Wonogiri)
I can never be more grateful that I had a chance to pursue my degree at the English Education Department, UNS. In this department, not only do I learn how to be a professional English teacher, but it provides a strong pedagogical foundation for my further degree. Being an autonomous and lifelong learner enables me to strive for my doctoral degree at the English Language Department, UPI, Bandung. Under the scholarship of LPDP. I devote myself as an ESP specialist at Trisakti Institute of Tourism, being a reviewer for some reputable journals, and being actively involved as BIPA teacher for foreign diplomats. (Nurti Rayahu, lecturer, Trisakti Institute of Tourism)